.......HOW MUCH ????
Having a portrait produced by a professional is undoubtedly an item of luxury and definitely not an essential commodity, it's probably something you'll only have done once in a lifetime, so I strongly urge you to shop around and thoroughly research the internet for all the portrait artists you can find and carefully consider the quality of their examples and the prices they charge before making a decision. These are considerations I had to undertake before setting up this website and yes, you will find artists that will charge less and conversely those who charge more but I believe in my ability to deliver the perfect portrait for you that is true value for money and should if you're happy with the below price guides please visit my step by step guide which will hopefully aide you in making the correct choice and thank you once again for visiting my website.
A4/A3 pencil or mixed media portrait featuring 1 subject
A4/A3 pencil or mixed media portrait
featuring 2 subjects
A4/A3 pencil or mixed media portrait
featuring 3 subjects
Canvas painted portraits are priced subject
to variables
Canvas painted portraits are priced subject
to variables
All pencil,mixed media & canvas images of celebrity's are available to buy as part of a limited range,Images are scanned or produced from digital files, then printed using archival quality inks onto watercolour or photographic papers suitable for framing or canvases ready for wall hanging, prices start from around £80. Tell me your thoughts through my contact page to discuss further.